Debbie Moore
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy & Counselling
35 Millfield
Nr Horsham
West Sussex
RH13 9HT
Phone 07526 388631
These vary depending upon the day. As well as offering appointments during normal working hours, I also offer evening and early morning sessions to accommodate people's work or childcare commitments.
Please contact me to discuss availability.
Wheelchair Access available
It is a joy to be hidden and a disaster not to be found - Donald Winnicott
Other Links offering help and support with a wide range of issues.
Samaritans 116 123
Childline 0800 1111 -
Sussex Mental Health Line 0300 5000101
Mind 0300 123 3393
Alcoholics Anonymous 0800 9177 650
Al Anon 0207 403 0888
Adfam 0203 817 9410
Frank (drug advice) 0300 123 6600
CRI - (Crime reduction initiative/young people's drug and alcohol service)